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Telephony on a PDA: the INI SipPhone

Telephony on a PDA: the INI SipPhone


The INI SipPhone is an application for making and receiving calls to and from other phones, either IP-based or landlines/cellphones (via a gateway). It was the implementation part of Thanos Kosmidis' thesis for the degree of M.S. in Information Networking, completed in May 2002. Part of the implementation was based on the "Wavelink system", a previous MSIN thesis by N. Gupta, V. Keswani, H. Mak, R. Narjala and A. Pavuluri. The Thesis Advisor was Prof. Marvin Sirbu, and the Reader was Prof. Ragunathan Rajkumar .


The world is becoming increasingly IP-centric, with a large number of devices getting networked every day. At the same time, individuals are starting to favor smaller and lighter devices over their desktops and laptops. As their modalities and patterns of use get shaped, there is a trend of adding PDA-type tools (like to-do lists) to cellular phones, thus striving towards a single device one can carry around and still be both productive and reachable.

This thesis follows a different path, since the increased connectivity of PDAs creates a new challenge: turning one into a phone. More specifically, the system built uses the Session Initiation Protocol for establishing the sessions (as Third Generation cellular phones will) and the Real-time Transport Protocol for transporting voice packets over an 802.11b network like the one on CMU’s campus. Furthermore, through the authenticated use of a SIP-to-PSTN gateway, it is also able to make and accept phone calls to and from the telephone network.

The system, released under a General Public License, was built for Sharp’s Zaurus PDA, but can be run on a Linux desktop or laptop as well.



Compilation instructions are included here.

Binaries and instructions are included here.
