Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997

Author The Generations Network, Inc
Publication information Texas Department of State Health Services


    1. Birth, Davenport, Joseph Harold
      1. Davenport, Joseph Harold (Primary)
    2. Davenport, Joseph Harold
    1. Family of McRoberts, Loren Myers and Cassell, Joan Yvonne
      1. Cassell, Joan Yvonne
      2. McRoberts, Loren Myers
    1. Davenport, Marie
    2. Birth, Davenport, Marie
      1. Davenport, Marie (Primary)
    1. Family of Cassell, John Young and Yarbrough, Mildred Lucille
      1. Yarbrough, Mildred Lucille
      2. Cassell, John Young