
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Mills. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Mills, Betsey    
Mills, Drusilla 1790 1790
Mills, Drusilla 1791 1791
Mills, Dursilla 1792 1821
Mills, Eli 1753 1804-07-13
Mills, Elihu 1761-06-00 1835-02-18
Mills, Elisha    
Mills, Frederick 1756 about 1813-12-00
Mills, George    
Mills, Lois Marie 1951-03-27 2014-06-11
Mills, Martha 1749-06-04 1751-10-14
Mills, Martha 1752 1824
Mills, Mary/Molle    
Mills, Nabby    
Mills, Peletiah    
Mills, Peletiah 1723-01-19 1786-07-01
Mills, Peletiah 1743-10-12 between 1814 and 1818
Mills, Roger 1745-03-05 1809-08-12
Mills, Roger 1768 1845
Mills, Rufus    
Mills, Samuel 1745-07-01 1814-03-29
Mills, Susannah    
Mills, Susannah 1756 1806-11-26