
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Booth. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Booth, Alice about 1477 Deceased
Booth, Ann 1694  
Booth, George 1679 1763-08-14
Booth, George 1705  
Booth, Humphrey 1635 1702
Booth, Humphrey 1660  
Booth, John about 1453 Deceased
Booth, Mary about 1720 before 1805
Booth, Robert 1610 1657
Booth, Vinita Evelyn 1920-11-28 2004-03-09
Booth, William Henry 1899-05-14 1964-05-20
Booth, [Living]    
Booth, [Living]    
Booth, [Living]