
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sears. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Sears, Abner    
Sears, Adam 1799-02-14 1872-07-14
Sears, Adam 1851-10-22  
Sears, Barton Rice 1820-07-14 1893-10-29
Sears, Benjamin 1821-11-14 1902-10-17
Sears, Benjamin Everett 1887-06-13 after 1920
Sears, Benjamin F 1857-03-14 1949-04-12
Sears, Catherine 1779-01-06 1852
Sears, Claude A about 1888  
Sears, David 1791-12-17 1864-08-24
Sears, George Jacob 1789-03-05 1857-09-20
Sears, Henry M. 1784-05-04 1843
Sears, James M 1863-06-09  
Sears, Jennetta Jane 1859-07-26  
Sears, Johanes Christian (Zaher) 1710 1800
Sears, John about 1749 1839-03-12
Sears, John 1776 1828-06-05
Sears, John Michael 1838-09-19 1914-08-12
Sears, John Rice 1847-07-17 1940-01-31
Sears, Keziah    
Sears, Mary 1786 1875-10-18
Sears, Mary Ann 1854-04-01 1939-09-28
Sears, Mary M about 1823  
Sears, Matthias 1795-04-30 1878-06-23
Sears, Michael A 1844-11-03 1933-08-12
Sears, Michael Alexander 1797-04-24 1846-08-24
Sears, Nancy E 1849-08-22 1942-03-14
Sears, Noah 1851-10-22  
Sears, Solomon 1801-06-13 1859-01-23
Sears, Susan 1795-10-10 1882-09-13