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David Bowerman <daivbowerman at yahoo dot com>
visited us from Orlando, Fl. USA on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 10:54 AM by a link from WorldConnect.
I'm grandson of Marian Opal Miley Fraunfelter. Andrew Miley, Alexander Miley, John Henrich Miley (Henry Jr.)
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Jacki Crawford <jacki-crawford at cox dot net>
visited us from Broken Arrow, OK USA on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 10:08 AM by looking for us on Google.
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Thank you! Nancy Criswell Miller is my 3-great grandmother.
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Susane Eastman Carlson <sue at carlsonfamily dot org>
visited us from Frankenmuth, MI USA on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 12:24 PM by looking for us on Google.
I was just working along a line on Ancestry.com and wondered why Richard Barttelot died in France so I Googled him.
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Terry Wayne Drake <terry-drake at hotmail dot com>
visited us from Kansas City, Kansas USA on Sunday, May 8, 2011 at 2:27 PM by a link from WorldConnect.
John Drake B:1350 of Ashe had a Father named Robert B:1328 His Brother was William B:1320 both were born to Nicholas Drake B:1275-1331 and Juliana Grenville B:1285-1328
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John Butler McLain <prguy44 at comcast dot net>
visited us from Oak Harbor, WA USA on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 4:47 PM by following a link from some other page.
My great great grandfather Timothy Wooden Butler married Caroline L. Gage, the daughter of Richard Gage.Timothy and Caroline lived near Lincoln, Nebraska, and are both buried in Ashland Cemetery, Ashland, Nebraska.I'm trying to find out how my cousin several times removed, Mary Gage of Santa Monica, CA, is related to the Gages of Cambridge Springs, PA. She died at 99 about 20 years ago, and I'd like to know who her parents & grandparents were.
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My husband is related to the Boyd, Kern & Sears families
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I am decended from The Woods/Wallace/Campbell/Alexander/Turrentine/McDonald/Day/Byrd/Penn "group" they are so intermarried way back when it's hard to explain! I appreciate your site.