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SONJIA BURGESS <krsburgess at att dot net>
visited us from Lindale, TX United States on Sunday, April 5, 2020 at 8:42 PM by a link from WorldConnect.
My maternal grandfather is Jack Simpson Wallace son of Lillie Balthorpe Lafon Wallace and wife of Manuel Asbery Wallace AKA "Punny". I was so excited to see some info on my great-grandmother.
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Dawn Davenport(Myers) <dawn_myers2000 at yahoo dot com>
visited us from Marshall, Ar USA on Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 5:23 AM by a link from WorldConnect.
Hello, Homer Davenport and Marie was my grandparents. I am daughter to Deja Davenport (son of Homer)
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Dolores Holcomb <Deeholcomb at hotmail dot com>
visited us from Temple, Tx USA on Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 2:18 PM by a link from WorldConnect.
Hello, my paternal grandmother was Alice Maude Davenport and her second marriage was to Grover T Davenport around 1935. I new my father had a half brother but i didn't now his name. Thanks to your site i was able to find it. Andrew Truett Davenport. thank you.
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Luanne Campbell Edwards <ldedwards at rogers dot com>
visited us from Bradford, ON Canada on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at 8:50 AM by a link from WorldConnect.
Susan McElroy was my great great aunt. The sister of my great great grandmother Georgianna McElroy Blanchard. She was born in Canada and her family moved to New York and Pennsylvania in her infancy and childhood. Census records give various states for her place of birth. I have done a family tree on familysearch.org. There are copies of letters Susan’s daughter Caramitta sent to Georgianna’s daughters.
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Hello Kyle, my grandfather was William Bedford Taylor he married my grandmother Minnie Sisco after Mallie died. Mallie and Bedford had a son named Lester Taylor born somewhere around 1909 we are looking for any information we can get on Lester
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Timothy W Henry <tex dot emtb at gmail dot com>
visited us from Albuquerque, New Mexico United States on Sunday, June 30, 2019 at 9:46 AM by a link from WorldConnect.
Got copy of picture of Nathaniel Green Felmet. Looks like my great uncle Don Blackwell. Am descended from son Warren. Have pict of Warren and wife as well as brother John Henry and his wife. THe brothers married sisters.
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Found link on findagrave.com. One of these sons of Nicholas Leatherman b1744 is my 4th? or 3rd? great grandfather.
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lisa simpson <lisakaye3677 at gmail dot com>
visited us from Lafayette, Tennessee United States on Monday, May 27, 2019 at 6:45 AM by a link from WorldConnect.
Virgie Bell Rippy Davenport is my grandmother on my dad side of family
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Travis Goeden <atgoeden at gmail dot com>
visited us from Green Valley, AZ United States on Saturday, March 23, 2019 at 11:46 AM by a link from WorldConnect.
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Travis Goeden <atgoeden at gmail dot com>
visited us from Green Valley, AZ United States on Saturday, March 23, 2019 at 11:45 AM by a link from WorldConnect.