Davenport Family Guestbook

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janie long manning <janie dot manning at att dot net>
visited us from raleigh, nc USA on Thursday, December 31, 2015 at 10:18 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

found a match via gedmatch.com with cathead92gmail.com and googled the address, that led me to hear. Working daily on filling in the blanks on our family Ancestry.com file.
K Smith <kitkat_0401 at yahoo dot com>
visited us from Lewisburg, TN USA on Saturday, October 10, 2015 at 3:56 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

I was searching for information on Lady Mary Campbell and her family. I haven't read everything, but might contact you about sources. The # of children you have make more sense than what I found on Geni.
Chris Finson <kevinandchrisfinson at gmail dot com>
visited us from USA on Monday, July 20, 2015 at 9:14 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

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LaDonna Brown <dooder64 at yahoo dot com>
visited us from Bowling Green, Kentucky USA on Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 4:02 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

Hello Kyle,I googled my great great grandmother and found this link. Elizabeth Betty Jane Davenport is my great great grandmother. She is the daughter of Miles M. Davenport & Catherine Gulley Davenport.
Kyle <home>
visited us from USA on Friday, May 8, 2015 at 11:53 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

wow, you've got a great website!
Bobby J Davenport <bobbydavenport37 at hotmail dot com>
visited us from Checotah , Ok USA on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 10:20 AM by looking for us on Google.

I found just about every thing I needed for my Davenports families thank you so much
Lucianna Cassetty Booker <lucibkr at gmail dot com>
visited us from Houston , tx USA on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 3:23 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

I am descended from Thomas and Sarah. Sampson W. to William S., to Percy V. (maybe Valentine, maybe Van Hooser), to Elmer Cassetty, to me. This family moved to Barry Co. Missouri from Jackson Co. TN
colman smith <colman dot smith at att dot net>
visited us from elgin, il USA on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 8:20 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

originally from Maine. Trying to determine John Bland Smith's parents.
Robert Wright <worldexpo1904 at me dot com>
visited us from Elgin, IL USA on Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 4:27 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

John Knowles of Hampton, New Hampshire is my first decedent born in Colonies. I did have a complete listing of the Knowles right to my Grandmother Lillian Maud Knowles of Essex, Massachusetts. 1910-2005. I can't seem to find the complete list that I had traced myself from the book at the moment. My grandmothers niece had a book that I believe she had published with everyone of the Knowles since John. I have a picture of the 1660 home in Hampton, NH that I took my self. It was in the Knowles family till 1957 when it was lost to taxes and the next owner was a doctor who lived there until his mother accidentally burned the house down starting from the kitchen. I went back to see it again and a post man told me about the fire. I also downloaded the home as it was in the 1800's and in the 50's I believe.
Judy Jesse ( Eskins, Worcester) <jjrider39 at comcast dot net>
visited us from Ringgold, GA. USA on Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 8:06 PM by a link from Ancestry.com.

My Grandmother was Phoebe Phyllis Worcester. A daughter of James Fremont Worcester. She grew up on a farm in Pittsfield, Ohio. She is in the family photo. She married a farm hand Charles Albert Eskins. He is in the back row on the right side and Phoebe is to the right of him. Judy Jesse
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