Siebrant, Johann Heinrich (Jan) -

Birth Name Siebrant, Johann Heinrich (Jan) -
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


This information is posted in the hope that it will facilitate your research, and encourage the free exchange of information. Please report all errors/omissions for correction, and tell me about additional related individuals or details.
Thanks. - Bob Strong


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1753 Prussia    
Death DECEASED      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Siebrant, Heinrich Cornelius -about 1713before 1769
    Sister     Siebrant, Maria H - 1742-08-25 1778-11-01
    Brother     Siebrant, Heinrich Heinrich - about 1744 DECEASED
         Siebrant, Johann Heinrich (Jan) - about 1753 DECEASED
    Sister     Siebrant, Sara H “Sarcke” - about 1755 DECEASED
    Sister     Siebrant, Eva H “Efcke” - about 1760 DECEASED
    Brother     Siebrant, Andreas Heinrich (Andres) - about 1762 1790-11-09


Type Value Notes Sources
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