Henry's parents just a guess from Census records:
1880: Risley, Marion, Kansas (Cornelius, Mary, Henry, Zacharias - all born in Poland)
1885 KS Census - Risley, Marion County (Cornelius, Mary, Henry, Zack)
1900: Risley, Marion, Kansas (still with Zack)
note in 1900 Census, they say immigrated 1876 (not Henry's 1873/4 but - found the whole family in NY Immigration Records and they did come over on Aug, 24, 1874 from Russia.
Also, Zacharias is married and living in Kit Carson County, Colorado near Henry in 1930.
Another family in Risley, KS 1880 prob is Cornelius' brother:
David A Kliever 48 (1832 Poland - immig. 1877)
Maria Kliever 45
David Kliever 20
Maria Kliever 18
Gerhard Kliever 12
Cornelius Kliever 9
==>found family in NY Immigration Records (1874 - same as Cornelius)
Family seems to be here http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=bobstrong&id=I105165