What is wrong with liberals?

Liberals are meaner, cheaper, and more willing to cheat than conservatives People raised in sick societies tend to be, you’ll never guess….SICK! Socialists twice as likely to cheat As the USA moves increasingly into Socialist Hell, expect the sickness here too – California students sign petition to have gun owners executed in concentration camps

A New Theory of Human Evolution

Ever get the impression that anthropologists don’t have a clue? Why do they have to revise their theories of human evolution everytime a new fossil hominid is discovered or new technology comes out? I have a wacky theory that all the ancestral hominid bones they’ve found so far are ancestral to our own. Without the… Continue reading A New Theory of Human Evolution

Categorized as Genetics

Should the plebeians be allowed to know their own genes?

The FDA injunctions against 23andMe informing their customers of their own health traits is completely perverse. A study published in British Medical Journal, “Vitamin D Genes and Mortality”, (sadly locked behind a paywall) was mentioned in LEF magazine. They identified numerous genes that resulted in lower levels of Vitamin D and directly resulted in increased… Continue reading Should the plebeians be allowed to know their own genes?

Categorized as Genetics