Davenport Family Guestbook

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Blake Davenport <BDAVENPORT0012 at kctcs dot edu>
visited us from Lexington, KY USA on Sunday, May 13, 2012 at 2:42 PM by looking for us on Google.

Sorry I am the son of George's daughter Kathy. Sorry had too many words going at once.
Blake Davenport <BDAVENPORT0012 at kctcs dot edu>
visited us from Lexington, KY USA on Sunday, May 13, 2012 at 2:39 PM by looking for us on Google.

I am the son of Kathy Davenport whom is the son
of George and Wilma Davenport. I have 2 sons Logan and Mason. If you wanted to know more past my grandfather let me know and I'll give you everything I have. Other than that great work, had a great time browsing.
Linda Moore Riddle <mooreriddle at hotmail dot com>
visited us from Sulphur Springs, TX USA on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 11:31 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

Found your Celia Richey married to Hiram Palmer. I descend from this Palmer family. Always saw her as Celia Rex/Rix. Wonderful to find more info.
Neal Jordan
visited us from USA on Monday, May 7, 2012 at 11:24 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

Trying to get to all the entries and was forced back to this page
Neal Jordan <fawkesguy at yahoo dot com>
visited us from Canyon Lake,, TX USA on Monday, May 7, 2012 at 11:16 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

I am impressed with the work you have done on the descendants of William Smith (1692-1770) via his daughter Abigail Smith Harrington. I note with some interest that you trace the bulk of them to Chautauqua County.
I have been trying to reconstruct the tree that involves Abagail's brother William (1721-1772) and some descendents of his who moved first to Cayuga County, NY and then on to Allegany Cunty, the second county east of Chatauqua in NY's Southern Tier. My data set on RootsWeb, NealJordan72, extends to the present, but is not nearly so rich in Massachusetts detail as your own.
Thanks for what you have done to make my search easier.
Richard J. Lawrence <Lawrencrj at GMail dot com>
visited us from PLATTSBURGH, NY USA on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 6:13 PM by following a link from some other page.

My apology -- There is another site that used gramps that has the ancestors of Sarah Bartlett and I confused it with yours. Anyway, we have now found that that information is bogus on that other site. It had to be a deliberate fudge or just a jumping to conclusion in wishful thinking.
Richard J. Lawrence <Lawrencrj at GMail dot com>
visited us from PLATTSBURGH, NY USA on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 5:36 PM by following a link from some other page.

My Wife and son are descendents of a Sarah Barltee who may or may not be the same Sasah Bartlet that you have in your tree. The Birthdate and the Birthplace are the same which would lead us to believe they are the same. It appears from several sites (which may be one copying fromn another as few have sources cites) that she is a direct descendant ()via a Joseph and Joseph Jr.) of the Robert Bartlett who came over on the next ship after the Mayflower with his future wife Mary Warren who herself was the daughter of Richard Warren who came over on the Mayflower. But we cannot trust these sites because there is no authentication. It appears that you have the fother and grandfather as Joseph Jr. and Josept hespectively -- but with no indication that the senior Joseph was the son of the Robert and Mary of the Plymouth Colony. So I am writing to let you know that we are related to your Sarah Bartlett and find what authentication you might have for the Joseph and Joseph Jr. and whether you know one way or the other if the senior Joseph (Sarah's grandfather) is the son of the Robert Bartlett and Mary (Warren) Bartlett.) If you are interested in how my wife is related to Sarah Bartlett write to me.
Ray Turner <rturner1932 at att dot net>
visited us from Anderson, Indiana USA on Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 2:22 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

My gr gr grandfather was Samuel Turner Sr. who married Elizabeth Seward. The connection to Silas Turne and Sarah Jane Berry has not been documented but has strong evidence by location and relatives living close by.
kelley davenport <waltyou44 at embarqmail dot com>
visited us from lincoln city oregon, Oregon USA on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 7:21 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

love your web site and data base.
Sammie Jean Gregory-Fairchild <lookibng4myfamily at ymail dot com>
visited us from Louisville, KY USA on Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 3:17 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

I descend through William. My Grandfather was Bailey Peyton Cassetty of Kirbytown, Macon, TN. I do webpaging for trailstothepast.org a free genealogy site. I have the state of ky and tn.
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