Davenport Family Guestbook

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Pamela Kay Whitlock (Love) <prwhitl at yahoo dot com>
visited us from Mansfield, LA USA on Monday, September 19, 2011 at 1:02 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

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ANNE GUTHRIE CAMP <abcamp at att dot net>
visited us from Birmingham, Al USA on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 5:38 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

My grandfather was George Montraville Davenport, son of Cicero and Helen Davenport of Valley Head, AL. He was born at Oak Lawn Farm in Valley Head. I was looking for info about Mary Grant, wife of Orville Davenport. Also info on Col. Joseph Davenport`s parents.
angie fields <fancyangie at aol dot com>
visited us from columbus, oh USA on Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 5:25 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

my family is davenports and fields we have a group page for our family we live in ohio and our grandma was homers sister. they moved away from the family and none of us know much of anything about our family. my grandma had 7 children, my facebook page is Angela K Fields thats where you will find our family group page
Jean Richey Farran <jfarran at sbcglobal dot net>
visited us from OFallon, Mo. USA on Saturday, September 3, 2011 at 8:42 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

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Robert <Henshaw>
visited us from Huntsville, AL USA on Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 9:09 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

James Newton Hinshaw is not the son of Thomas Hinshaw. I am descendant of Thomas, he did have a son named James A. but these two James are not the same person. If you would like to discuss contact me directly on bobh@fpchuntsville.comRobert Henshaw
Scott Mitchell <thmanor1 at comcast dot net>
visited us from Nashville, TN USA on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 10:52 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

I'm descended from William Boarman as follows: William - m - Sarah Linle, their daughter Sarah - m - Thomas Mudd, their son Thomas - m - Rebecca Wright, their daughter Sarah - m - Thomas Hagan, their son James - m - Monica Johnson, their daughter Tabitha - m - Enoch Hagan, their daughter Rosena - m - William Henry Boone, their son Miles Nicholas - m - Rosa Jane Duvall, their son Victor Ivo - m - Mary Willie Watson, their daughter Mary Willie (my grandfather) - m - William Oscar Sweat.
Judy Boarman Cox <jcconnect2003 at yahoo dot com>
visited us from Lexington, Kentucky USA on Saturday, August 27, 2011 at 4:07 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

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Jeana McRoberts Beaulieu <jeanab54 at comcast dot net>
visited us from Frederick, MD USA on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 12:34 PM by following a link from some other page.

Bertha Kasse Bailey was my grandmother. Her son, Bailey, was my dad.
Anita Burbank-Jenkins <aebjenk at gmail dot com>
visited us from Centennial, , Colo USA on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 7:24 PM by looking for us on Google.

I am trying to find a connection from Timothy Blake B. 1649 to my great grandmother, Lucy Rebecca Blake b. 1850.
If you have any info please email.
Thanks, Anita
bonniegoz <gozmom73 at yahoo dot com>
visited us from small town, ohio USA on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 4:47 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

William M. Gage> Wm. Gage Jr>Abraham Gage>Betsey Gage who married Calvin Barnes (incorrectly spelled "Burnes" on marriage certificate.) Betsey & Calvin Barnes were my gr-gr-gr-gr-grandparents. Both are buried in Bedford Cemetery, Bedford, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio along side of 5 of their 7 children. I do have additional info. that I would share.I just googled Capt. William M.Gage..& here I am
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