Davenport Family Guestbook

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Priscilla Ann Berge <paberge at cox dot net>
visited us from San Diego, CA USA on Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 6:03 PM by looking for us on Google.

How can I get a copy of your reference "Your Myers' Ancestors and Their Families" by Rae Myer? Can you send a digital copy to me via email. I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount for a copy for my family tree research. I want to thank you fop your work on the Myers family. Maybe we are distant cousins!I could not clearly see the "code" nor could I find a "refresh" mark to hit. Hope I got the code right.
wilma pruit <wilmapruit at sbcglobal dot net>
visited us from Riverbank, CA USAt on Monday, May 21, 2018 at 4:02 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

I am a Granddaughter to Alphonso Montiville Davenport.
My mother was Mazola, Montiville and Margie Pearl (Holliman) Davenport’s first born.

I was looking for information about Velma Kay, Mont and Margie’s daughter who lost her life in a fire when I found this page.
Susie Culwell <bumblebees4you at gmail dot com>
visited us from Phoenix, az USA on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 6:44 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

My GG Grandmother was Adaline Hannah Davenport who married Elisha (jeff) Woodall. Lived in Jackson Co, TN all their lives. Adalines' parents were Henry Davenport and Hannah E. Cassetty.
Mark Thomas <tomarx17 at hotmail dot com>
visited us from LAWRENCE, MI United States on Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 2:18 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

Zachariah Thomas is my 5th great grandfather. He migrated to the Bowling Green, KY area.would be interested in knowing if any information before William exists regarding Wales.thank you
Chris Tucker <Mimsnally at yahoo dot com>
visited us from Florence, IL USA on Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 9:13 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

My 4th great grandfather, Thomas Hill was married to Therisa McAtee, dau of Henry Maurice McAtee. Interesting site here. Thank you for your research.
William Noack <w at noackcreative dot com>
visited us from Eureka, IL USA on Friday, April 6, 2018 at 2:39 PM by looking for us on Bing.

I was looking for info on Luke Decker and other relatives at the Battle of Tippecanoe. I am a direct descendant of Luke’s brother Joseph (d 1810) and Joseph’s son Abraham who was with Dubois’ Spies and Guides at Tippecanoe.
Laura Rollins (nee Davenport) <laurarollins at gmail dot com>
visited us from winchester, MAm USA on Friday, March 2, 2018 at 9:28 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

My paternal grandfather Buster Davenport was first cousins with Homer Davenport.Buster's parents were William Greeley Davenport and Laura Davenport (nee Sisk).
kerry owens <klowens57 at yahoo dot com>
visited us from springfield, ma. USA on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 12:02 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

I am the son of Linda Joanne Burbank ,her father was Theodore Burbank
Larry Leatherman <Larry13560 at icloud dot com>
visited us from USA on Friday, January 5, 2018 at 2:18 PM by a link from WorldConnect.

9 th greneration Branch Hans Daniel
Melinda Wilburn Bratcher <mindysueus at yahoo dot com>
visited us from Kansas City, Missouri United States on Thursday, December 28, 2017 at 5:44 PM by accident (i.e., in a drunken stupor).

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