Davenport Family Guestbook

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ssk prim sorgulama <eggza at msn dot com>
visited us from nedi, buda USA on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 5:57 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

harika bir site tebrikler
tammy workman <tamiworkman79 at gmail dot com>
visited us from clinton, il USA on Friday, January 21, 2011 at 8:14 PM by looking for us on Google.

william morrel hix is my 4th great grandfather

would love to have contact with you. I do think he was married to elizabeth montgomery, i can not find her grave and am looking.
Chris Vance <ccv111 at sbcglobal dot net>
visited us from Houston, TX USA on Saturday, January 15, 2011 at 6:56 PM by looking for us on Google.

Well, I think I may be a relative of the Davenport/Moore Family through Evaline C. Davenport Moore. My mother, Ruth Kateva White (b 1929), had a father named Ellison Moore White (b 1897), whose mother was Eva (Evie) Moore (b 1868), whose mother was Evaline C. Moore (m. Samuel Moore), and I believe Evaline's maiden name was Evaline C. Davenport (according to your website), so that appears to be our Davenport connection. Also, a note shows this is the lineage of researcher Beverly Weagley. Anyway, just thought I'd toss this out there---our family is just dabling in geneaolgy, so not much info to offer other than 'hello'. Oh yes, my mother's name, "Kateva", is a melding of Kate (from other side of family) and Eva (from her gmom Eva and ggmom Evaline)--kind of fun info. Thanks! Chris Vance
Catherine Ann Wagner-Burkey <cathyburkey at yahoo dot com>
visited us from Cedar Hill, Tx USA on Saturday, January 15, 2011 at 8:08 AM by looking for us on Google.

I am a descendant from this Wagner family. My family descends from Leibricht Wagner who was one of the 6 children who stayed in Berks County, America. I have quite a bit of information on this branch of the Wagner family and would be happy to share. I would also be interested in receiving more of the Wagner family information that you have. Please contact me at your convenience. Jan. 15, 2011
Patricia Maher <almenami13 at aol dot com>
visited us from Paw Paw, MI USA on Friday, January 14, 2011 at 1:16 PM by following a link from some other page.

Kyle, I am also descended from William Bradford, through Lucy Bradford, who married John McRoberts. I'd like to be able to compare what information I have with what you have. We have corresponded before, but possibly one, or both, of us has found new information since then.
James Michael Short <jshort at satx dot rr dot com>
visited us from San Antonio, TX USA on Monday, January 3, 2011 at 9:01 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

Orange Montgomery Gage> and Susan McElroy (second marriage- 7 children)> Alta Elizabeth Gage> Walters> Alta Leona Walters Hegberg > Kelma Hegberg Short> Me
Kelma Hegberg Short <kelmashort at clearsire dot net; shortberry at charter dot net>
visited us from Pullman, WA USA on Saturday, January 1, 2011 at 11:03 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

Hegberg Family CorrectionAlta Elizabeth Gage> Alta Leona Walters> married C.W. Hegberg Two children - Kelma Elaine Hegberg b Aug 11, 1925 - living, Pullman Washington; Willard Wayne Hegberg - deceased - buried Ottawa KNKelma married James Franklin Short2 Children Susan Elizabeth Short born January 26, 1952 - Married J. Steven Castleberry - 2 chidrenJames A and Annelise S Castleberry - all livingJames Michael Short born December 3, 1955 - not married - livingOther CorrectionsCaramitta Gaye? WaltersDeath Myrtle Point OregonFirst Husband Robert RameyChildren - 1) Lavarre Ramey DeceasedSecond husband - Roush, EarlChildren - none
Linda Cowan Baker <ndnblu13 at verizon dot net>
visited us from Blue Ridge, TX USA on Sunday, November 28, 2010 at 4:29 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

How are you connected to the Cowans you have listed on Rotsweb?
Dona Terry <gengttdkt at sbcglobal dot net>
visited us from Houston, TX USA on Friday, November 26, 2010 at 10:03 AM by a link from WorldConnect.

I have researched the TERRY family and see that Carlos R Davenport and Annie Terry were married. Write me at gengttdkt@sbcglobal.net if you'd like details on Annie Terry's family.
Alan Davenport <aldaven at comcast dot net>
visited us from Smyrna, TN USA on Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 4:49 PM by following a link from some other page.

I found you thru Tenngenweb. I believe I am a desendant of Cornelius Jackson Davenport thru his son Maxie Dee Davenport,who was my grandfather.
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