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Hello, This is also my family. I grew up in Albany, NY and my father had the geneology comleted in the 1960's. I am the last generation of direct male decendents in my family since Daniel.
I always hoped to find a clue as to where James came from
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James(Jim) Kenneth Wilkerson Jr. <jwilker at speakeasy dot net>
visited us from Palmer Lake, CO USA on Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 12:52 PM by looking for us on Google.
I am a descendant of the Robersons through my paternal grandfather John Thomas Wilkerson in Farris Chapel TN. David W Roberson is buried on the old Denson homeplace, the field with the burial plot was purchased by my grandfather around 1990.
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Deborah Davenport Horn <dkh4857 at aol dot com>
visited us from Portland , Tn USA on Monday, March 28, 2011 at 5:08 PM by looking for us on Google.
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Frances Marian Lowry Banning <mlbann at live dot com>
visited us from Playa del Rey, CA 90293 USA on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 7:45 PM by a link from WorldConnect.
My father, Francis Marion Lowry was the second son of Mary Ellen Davenport and George Alfred Lowry. Mary Ellen was the seventh child of Francis Marion Davenport and Ellen Hamman. I would be happy to share information with you.
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my dad is harold davenport his grandfather is james c.m.m. davenport
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My husband, Jack Walter is the son of Ralph J Walter, Sr, son of Flora Dot (Sears)Walter, daughter of John Homer Sears, son of John Rice Sears, son of Benjamin Sears & Rachael (Kern) Sears
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Julie Hall <mother_of_abs at hotmail dot com>
visited us from Bakersfield, Ca USA on Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 8:35 AM by following a link from some other page.
I am a descendant of the Halls. My grandfathers were Johnathan Curtis Hall, Elijah B. Hall, Elisha Prescott Hall, James Carter Hall, and Arlie Owen Hall (Johnathan Curtis Hall's son). My father is Arlie Owen Hall's son.
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Penny Landen <penny at landenfamily dot com>
visited us from Edgewood , KY USA on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 12:24 PM by looking for us on Google.
I'm wondering if Mary Campbell is an ancestor of mine. I ran across her on Ancestry.com and she appears to be. Thanks for posting this information.
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Courtney Williams <Kittycourt97 at aol dot com>
visited us from ohio USA on Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 6:34 PM by a link from WorldConnect.
im a family member of the Davenports.Homer is my great great uncle homer.im thirteen years old.before i was born my brother had brought home a book called a walk acrost america.he had told my mom about what the story was he had mentioned homer.my mom didnt know he was in the national geographic she just knew he was family.then when i was twelve my mom was arguing with her boyfriend.we had left home to get away from him for a while.we live in ohio and she drove all the way to viginia just to see him.when we arrived we stayed at a near by hotel to where she thought he had lived.so we visited a library it had homers picture in it.my mom started asking questions to a resturant worker.she had said she had seen him walk past her street everyday but she did not know who he was.then come to find out he had died in 2003.but my mom still didnt give up .somehow we figured out his daughter was still alive.Colleen Taylor.so my mom started two ask more questions.Where does she live?so she asked this red head man where Colleen had lived.he jumped in his car and told my mom to follow him.he pointed to a big white house with a lot of flowers and stuff growing on the sides of her house.we had walked up to her house and knocked on the door.no one was home so we came back the next day.she was home.she let us in and my mom had explained the whole story to her.She was suprised.she knew my moms dad but did not know my mom but she had brought down this book with people in her family and it had their birthdays in them.It had my moms name in it and Colleen was suprized.my moms name is Angie Fields.My mom explained that we had tried to visit her yesturday.she had said she was visiting her dads cabin he had lived in.There was another man in her house at that time.He said god must of sent you.It was amazing but that how it all happened.my moms email is Fancyangie@aol.com
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Joe Robling <joerobling at bellsouth dot net>
visited us from Norcross, GA USA on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at 11:28 AM by following a link from some other page.
2nd of four sons of William Wilson Robling,